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Neat House. Sweet Home

🩵 How to Start Decluttering Your Home

Hello Reader,

I have realized that to declutter your home effectively, you sometimes need to focus on the emotions that your possessions trigger. So, if you’re unsure where to start, I’ve compiled some of my favorite decluttering tips and inspiring quotes from well-known authors and professional declutterers to help you stay motivated and on track.

How to Declutter Your Home Using Your Emotions

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Neat House. Sweet Home

Hi! I am Flavia. I spent 12 years in corporate jobs working in the engineering field, developing methods to improve processes and increase productivity. In 2014, I founded Neat House. Sweet Home® to share with others the optimization systems I apply at home. My mission is to help women simplify homemaking while helping them develop healthy habits and routines so they can lead and live a fulfilling life. Let's make things easier together!

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