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Neat House. Sweet Home

🪟 How to Easily Install Blinds

Hello Reader,

If you are in the northern hemisphere, happy summer break! I am finally finding time to tackle long overdue home projects.

If you ever feel nervous about installing blinds or any project using power tools, you're not alone. Home improvement projects can be daunting, especially when power tools are involved. But don't worry—my latest post is here to help.

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One of the most popular projects on the blog!

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Neat House. Sweet Home

Hi! I am Flavia. I spent 12 years in corporate jobs working in the engineering field, developing methods to improve processes and increase productivity. In 2014, I founded Neat House. Sweet Home® to share with others the optimization systems I apply at home. My mission is to help women simplify homemaking while helping them develop healthy habits and routines so they can lead and live a fulfilling life. Let's make things easier together!

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